Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
Free 11 page PDF of worksheets and activities for the classic book Five Little Peppers and How They Grew!

Below you will find an 11 page PDF file filled with free worksheets and activities for the classic book Five Little Peppers and How They Grew by Harriett Lothrop.
You will also find a free audiobook recording!
Not familiar with the story yourself? Don’t worry — an answer key is included in this PDF!
Your child can listen to the audiobook recording, then complete the activities.
These worksheets and activities are colorful, modern, and engaging — bringing this classic literature to life!
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew was published in 1880.
It was the first book of what became a series that spanned over the next nearly two decades.
The story has captured the hearts of so many — let it capture the heart of your child, too!
The story is about a sibling group of 5 little children and their widowed mother.
The Pepper family is full of strength, love, and respect for one another!
Follow along on their trials, adventures, and a very happy ending!
This PDF includes artwork from the 1909 edition of Five Little Peppers and How They Grew.
Explore more of what’s in the PDF in this blog post, or skip that part and get it NOW below:
Audiobook Recording

Below you will find a FREE unabridged audiobook recording for this book.
Want to put this audiobook on a MYO yoto card? You can find it for free here!
You may also listen to this recording right here on the blog!
Start Listening below:
Chapter 1: A Home View
Chapter 2: Making Happiness for Mamsie
Chapter 3: Mamsie’s Birthday
Chapter 4: Trouble for the Little Brown House
Chapter 5: More Trouble
Chapter 6: Hard Days for Polly
Chapter 7: The Cloud Over The Little Brown House
Chapter 8: Joel’s Turn
Chapter 9: Sunshine Again
Chapter 10: A Threatened Blow
Chapter 11: Safe
Chapter 12: New Friends
Chapter 13: Phronsie Pays a Debt of Gratitude
Chapter 14: A Letter to Jasper
Chapter 15: Jolly Days
Chapter 16: Getting a Christmas For The Little Ones
Chapter 17: Christmas Bells!
Chapter 18: Education Ahead
Chapter 19: Brave Work and The Reward
Chapter 20: Polly is Comforted
Chapter 21: Phronsie
Chapter 22: Getting Ready for Mamsie and The Boys
Chapter 23: Which Treats of a Good Many Matters
Chapter 24: Polly’s Dismal Morning
Chapter 25: Polly’s Big Bundle
What’s included in the PDF?
Curious what you can expect to find in this PDF?
Let’s take a closer look at what’s inside!

First, you’ll find just under 30 questions about the story.
The questions are in chronological order of the book.
This means that your child can answer after they’ve already listened to the story, OR they can answer the questions WHILE they listen to the story!
Not familiar with the book, and don’t have time to read it yourself?
No worries! All of these questions have an answer key — included at the end of the PDF!
(Which reminds me — be sure to take the answer key out of the PDF before giving these worksheets to your child!)
Next, your child will have an opportunity to review the book in their own words a little more.

A question-led short book report will help your child remember all the adventures of the five Little Peppers!
A wordsearch is also included in this PDF of activities!

Wordsearches are so much fun — and they help your child visualize and understand how to spell some of the names and words in the book! (especially helpful if they’re listening to this as an audiobook!)
Word searches can also be done WHILE your child is listening to the audiobook version of this story — keeping them occupied and extra focused on the book!
A big part of Five Little Peppers and How They Grew is focused on the family’s wood cook stove.
Part of this PDF will teach your child all about antique wood cook stoves!

They will learn about each part of a wood cook stove and its function — and an engaging question about what they learned is at the bottom of this portion!
Another repeated theme in the book is various recipes the characters made.
Perhaps my favorite activity in this collection is a list of recipes I have compiled — taken from a cookbook published in the same year Five Little Peppers was published!
These recipes are so fun to read through! (intended for educational purposes only — cook these recipes at your own risk!)
Again — no need to have read this book before you can help teach your child all about it! I’ve included an answer key within this PDF!

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