Stories From Shakespeare

Free PDF for an elementary school aged Shakespeare unit study!

This beautiful 19-page unit study is a wonderful tool to give your child an understanding of some of Shakespeare’s most popular plays!

It’s totally free to print!

These activities are best suited for elementary to middle school aged children.

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Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Yoto. All audiobook companion activities are my own!

Here’s what’s covered in this unit study:

  • A short overview on the life of Shakespeare
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • Hamlet
  • King Lear
  • Henry V
  • Twelfth Night
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • The Tempest
  • Othello
  • Macbeth
  • Richard III

Audiobook Recordings

This unit study is best paired with the “Stories in Shakespeare” Yoto card.

Listen to the stories, then complete each activity as you go along.

Each activity is in the same order as the Stories in Shakespeare Yoto card!

Don’t have the Yoto card? You can buy the audiobook CD HERE — it’s the exact same recording as the Yoto card, and will go perfect with this unit study!

I personally prefer the abridged versions of these stories for younger children. It’s much easier for them to grasp and remember the whole story than to listen to the full (and lengthy) plays.

David Timson wrote the abridged stories in a balanced way. He kept the shakespearean dialog in each story, but the narration is more simplistic so that children can better keep up with the storyline. He does a wonderful job at making sure the storyline is explained well for children.

If you want the totally free way around this unit study, you can find FREE full-length audiobook readings for each story here:

What’s included in this printable:

Let’s take a closer look at just what’s included in this FREE printable!

First, your child will have a brief overlook at Shakespeare’s life.

Brief facts, a timeline of what was happening in world history during Shakespeare’s life, and a section to reflect are included for this section.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

A Midsummer Night’s Dream includes some quick facts, some writing prompts, and some multiple choice questions.

(All multiple choice questions have an answer key at the end of the document, so be sure to tuck that away before giving this PDF to your child!)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream includes beautiful illustrations to help bring the story to life for your child.

The illustrations help connect the dots with keeping track of characters and events in the story.

Illustrations can be especially helpful when listening to an audiobook version of Shakespeare’s plays!


Hamlet has the same layout that A Midsummer Night’s Dream has — your student will have quick facts, writing prompts, and multiple choice questions to answer.

Hamlet has plenty of illustrations to help your student better understand the story.

There are 3 total worksheets for the Hamlet portion of this unit study.

King Lear

King Lear is next on the list!

King Lear includes multiple choice questions, quick facts, and a writing prompt.

It is one of the shorter activities. The handful of shorter activities in this unit study prevents this study from becoming too overwhelming for young children.

Henry V

Henry V is one of Shakespeare’s historical plays, so this activity includes some history in it!

Learn about Henry V by reading some facts about his life.

Your child will also have a writing prompt to complete after listening to Shakespeare’s play Henry V.

Twelfth Night, Othello, Macbeth, Richard III

These four plays each have their own individual worksheet activities.

They include writing prompts, multiple choice quizzes, historical context, and fun child-friendly facts!

Romeo and Juliet

You can’t have a Shakespeare study without Romeo and Juliet!

This study includes facts, writing prompts, and multiple choice questions.

Modern, beautiful illustrations help bring this story to life!

Answer Key

The answer key to all multiple choice questions is on the last page of this PDF document.

Make sure you set it aside before handing out these papers to your student!

Print your Shakespeare Activities here!

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