Treasure Island

Free activities for this classic Robert Louis Stevenson novel — aimed for elementary aged students!

Here’s a collection of free printable activities for elementary aged students for Treasure Island!

I suggest the BBC abridged audiobook to pair with these activities for younger children.

Audiobooks paired with these activities are a great way to immerse your children in classic literature from a young and early age!

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Suggested Audiobook Recordings

Listen to the story before completing these activities!

Here’s a link to the audiobook recording I suggest for these activities.

This book is also available as a Yoto card for families who own a yoto player!

If you want a totally free audiobook version to listen to this, you can listen to the full (NOT abridged) version for free HERE.

Activities included in this unit study

Let’s take a closer look at each activity included in this unit study.

Apart from the quiz which will require your child to know the whole story of Treasure Island before completing, the rest of these activities can be used before your child has heard the whole story.

It’s a great way to keep your child engaged while listening to the story!

Or, take breaks from the story and let them put their full focus into each activity!

Treasure Island Multiple Choice Quiz

Be sure your child has listened to all of Treasure Island before giving them this quiz!

Here’s the answer key for the quiz answers:

Multiple Choice Quiz Answers:

  1. c) They run an inn
  2. a) Jim
  3. b) To watch for a one-legged man
  4. c) Violent
  5. c) A pirate enemy
  6. b) Long John Silver
  7. a) The treasure isn’t there
  8. a) Hidden in a cave by Ben
  9. b) Steals some treasure and is never seen again
  10. a) Jim never wants anything to do with pirates ever again

How to Read a Map

Teach your little pirate how to read a map!

Learn to identify each part of a map with this colorful worksheet.

Here’s the answer key for this worksheet:

  1. Title
  2. Latitude
  3. Longitude
  4. Legend
  5. Scale
  6. Compass Rose

Trust worksheet

Open up conversations about trust with this worksheet!

Using the story of Treasure Island, this worksheet helps your child understand the topic of trust.

The story of Treasure Island opens up the conversation that not everyone you THINK you trust is someone you CAN trust.

Use the story to discuss this topic of trust further with your child!

Finger Puppets

These finger puppets are sure to delight your child!

Cut out these colorful puppets.

Measure your child’s finger.

Then, glue each puppet to size.

Let dry, then allow your child to make up their own pirate stories!

Real-life Pirates!

Rock your child’s world with the realization that pirates aren’t just in fairy tales!

This worksheet teaches your child about some famous pirates through history from around the world.

After talking about each historical pirate and some cool pirate facts about their lives, give your child the assignment of imagining what kind of pirate THEY would be!

Pirate Story Cards

Play a pirate story game with these colorful pirate story cards!

Take turns choosing a couple of story cards.

Then, use those images in the cards to make up a pirate story to share!

Each story can be spoken (ideal for the younger children!), or can be written down.

Parents — don’t forget to take your turn making up a fun pirate story or two, too!

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