About Emeline’s Journey to Quiet Life Living

Hello to you! I’m so happy to have you here! My name is Emeline — I’m the face behind this blog. I’m a former piano tuner/technician and piano teacher, and have since been promoted to farm wife and homeschool mama of 5. I would love to tell you more about my journey to this quiet life we live!

When I was pregnant with my firstborn, I had debilitating morning sickness that left me with lots of time laying in bed, envisioning what kind of life I wanted for our children. I’ve always desired to raise a large family on a farm. But how was I going to achieve this while living in our tiny suburban home?

I started to think more about WHAT was so appealing about farm life. I realized that to me, quiet living is what truly makes farm life so special. I wanted to enjoy a quiet life in the home we were currently in. But what does a quiet life look like? I was determined to find out!

So — I started a garden that eventually became so large that it took up most of our tiny suburban lot. I planted apple trees and blueberry bushes. Money was tight, so I sewed handmade toys and clothes for each of our children. I purchased peaches from a local farm to can in my little suburban kitchen. I crocheted gifts for others, and learned how to knit. I rejected the hustle-bustle of the world, and embraced slow days at home. I made sure that me and my family spent lots and lots of time outside. We got backyard chickens, but out of respect for a neighbor who wasn’t a fan of us having chickens, we sadly gave our chickens away. Through it all, we squeezed all the quiet living we possibly could have out of our suburban home.

In the midst of the quiet life we were living in that suburban home, we fixed up our little house and made as many home improvements as we could. This allowed us to sell our home for a profit shortly after our third child was born, and we had cash to put towards a homestead in the country.

After a 6 month journey of visiting dozens of properties, and losing bidding war after bidding war in 2020, we were presented with the opportunity to look at a small farm that was not currently for sale. The house was the smallest we had looked at, but it didn’t matter. My husband and I had spent less than five minutes looking at the property before deciding that it was home. We were able to quickly close on it and move our family in.

Since then, we have even more deeply embraced a quiet life. We’re kept busy with expansive gardens, raising our own meat, keeping milk animals, shearing our own fiber goats and sheep, planting orchards — all while experiencing this joy alongside our now five beautiful children.

Welcome to our quiet life. I hope that this quiet life community we have built helps inspire you and your family to embrace quiet life living, no matter where your roots are!

Introducing my new pattern

Ferguson Frog

Made with straight needles and 4 simple stitches

This pattern is designed so that even the beginner knitter can find enjoyment in it! I’ve included a visual glossary for stitches and techniques, and give constant “check points” for how many stitches should be on the knitter’s needles.